Write to me at shreasureshprof@gmail.com

Monday, 11 January 2016

A letter to my friend

Dear Shruti,
A new year has begun, and it's been around 3 months since you left all of us. Things have changed, people have changed, somethings have got better whereas somethings have gotten worse. 

I don't know how exactly to explain to you what is going on in my mind right now, but I do know that you're watching me, that you're my darling guardian angel who will always guide me through the right way, I know that you're around me seeing what I'm going through, I need you to know that it's really sad how people change within a very short span of time, about how time flies and affects all of us very indirectly yet to precisely. It kinda hurts you know. But I'm also glad that he got people by my side to hold me and act as a source of happiness in my life. 

Lately, I've kept myself occupied with things so that nothing really gets into my head and I don't spend time thinking about it rather than doing my work, but I can't seem to help it. I feel miserable sometimes and happy otherwise. I'm getting weirder day by day. I don't know what is going on, if I'm confused, or if I'm morose. It's kinda complex and I'm sure only you can understand me. Thanks for listening to me patiently and never complaining, you're one person I could rely on and trust blindly in this world full of hypocrites, I know you will stay by my side no matter what and never backstab me. 

I really hope things change and get back to normal, I hope I am not way to delusional right now, reality is hard, I am facing hardships living with it you know, but this is something I've learned from you, never to give up and fight till the last moment. You're my inspiration shruti. I hope you are listening to me, you love blogging and I'm sure your up there with a laptop with you and headphones on listening to your favourite songs, maybe watching or planning Harry Potter part 1000 with Harry's great grand children or maybe watching One tree hill again, and reading blogs of mine, as you liked it. 
But yeah, I know you're here for me and will be always. 

I'm never usually like this you know, it might be the exam stress or the fear of moving to 12th grade, but everything around me is swiftly moving and It seems to go out of my control, anyhow, thanks for keeping an eye on me. 
I honestly, truly, faithfully love you and I miss you very much. Come back to me soon if possible. 

Thanks for everything. 
Yours lovingly 